Cat Room Upgrades!


The cats love watching nature on TV!

High impact interventions to reduce stress.


People are often surprised that we take in far more cats than dogs at Cheatham County Animal Control, which is true for most shelters. That’s because cats multiply at an alarming rate! We make every effort to get our cats into foster care until they can be fixed, and then adopted or sent to rescue. We also have a free roaming cat room for cats that are fixed, friendly and healthy. Inevitably, some cats are not able to go to the free roaming room, and so they have to wait in cages. To make their stay more pleasant, we purchased an indoor catio, so that cats can take turns enjoying some exercise and change of venue. We also got them a 50 inch flat screen TV so that they can watch scenic nature videos, very entertaining for the cats! We also bought a CD player plus cat friendly music, to help soothe them. All in all, a big upgrade in quality of life and stress reduction for our feline friends!


Emergent care is PAWSible


Heartworms: Enough is enough!