SCAMP is grateful for the support! Check out these ways to Make It PAWSible!
Check out our Amazon Wish List! We greatly appreciate donations for our recurring needs, and this way you know exactly how your money was spent. We thank you!
You can now set your Kroger Plus card to SCAMP! Just go to their community rewards page and choose Saving Cheatham Animals Mission PAWSible as your charity! You can search Saving Cheatham Animals or just enter code LB335. Don’t have a Kroger Plus Card? You can key in your phone number as you check out and it works the same!
Are you a first time Chewy Shopper? If so please use our Chewy Button, and SCAMP will get a $15 donation from Chewy when you make a purchase! You can also check out our Chewy Wish List! We greatly appreciate donations, and there are often special deals!
Check with your employer about matching gifts for SCAMP! Lots of employers offer matching donations, and employees don’t even know it! You can look up your employer right here on Charity Navigator to see if they offer a matching gift program. Make It Twice As PAWSible!
OK hipsters, you asked, and SCAMP figured out Venmo! Remember @scamp24 is listed as a business/nonprofit not a person if you are ever searching on Venmo. Or click the button below to go directly to SCAMP’s Venmo. Thanks for Making It PAWSible!
Spare some change for SCAMP! You can now choose SCAMP as your charity and have the option to round up your purchases at Walmart so that SCAMP receives your change! Go under your Account and then Giving and Impact to choose SCAMP. We thank you!