Thank you Havaday’s Barber!


Kyle Bagwell from Havaday’s Barber

A No Shave November Fundraiser


There are many great causes to support in this world of ours, so we are always humbled and honored when a local business chooses to support SCAMP and the animals of Cheatham County Animal Control. Kyle from Havaday’s Barber reached out to us about No Shave November, a month long campaign to raise money for charities by encouraging folks to forego their usual grooming expenses and chip in towards a worthy cause. It was a successful effort and Kyle and Bonnie stopped by with a check for $1051 to help us with our new kennels. We were happy to show them around and introduce them to some cats as well. Thank you Havaday’s and your patrons for supporting SCAMP during No Shave November!


Just say no to heartworms.


$1000 Grant from Athletes for Animals