Don Moser, rescue hero.
Don delivering dogs to Old Friends
A life well lived. RIP Don.
On March 29, 2023, we received word that our founding board member Don Moser passed away after a long bout with medical illness. We all found ourselves flooded with memories and stories of the many ways Don contributed to Cheatham County Animal Control. He was an original volunteer in our nascent volunteer program in 2019. He made others feel welcome, and he worked with all of the dogs. As his health declined, Don found new purpose as an animal transporter. He was instrumental in getting animals to vet appointments and to rescues near and far. He supported CCAC and our nonprofit SCAMP with positive input on social media up until the end. It is a fun fact that our nonprofit Saving Cheatham Animals Mission PAWsible (SCAMP) was named after Don’s loyal travel companion, his dog SCAMP. We will miss Don dearly, but his legacy will live on. RIP, DON.