Jessie your kittens need you!
Jessie in her recovery gown!
Emergency surgery for Jessie!
Jessie may look snug as a bug, but she had a close call earlier this summer! Jessie came to CCAC with 5 nursing kittens in tow. Her foster noted that something was not right, as she was vomiting and could not eat. She was taken to the vet where she was found to have an intussusception, which means part of the bowel had telescoped within itself. She had emergent surgery performed, and did great in recovery! She was able to get back to her kittens, and ultimately was adopted! The cost for her surgery was $1382.50, which is an expense that the county would not have been able to afford. We are grateful for those who donate to SCAMP, because we were able to pay for Jessie's lifesaving surgery so she could get back to mothering ASAP!