Lots of kittens. Too many!
No shortage of kittens here!
The needs feel endless.
Wow, we knew we had a lot of kittens in foster care, but we did not know we had 175 kittens in foster homes! Holy Moly! First, let's give it up for all the foster families out there, that have taken in litters of kittens, because there is not room for 175 kittens at the shelter, that's for sure. The fosters reached out to SCAMP because there were so many needs, and understandably so when we are filled to the brim with felines! In the past 3 weeks, SCAMP has spent over $2000 in kitten supplies including cases of wet kitten food, bags of kitten dry food, eye ointment, essential medicines and nutritional supplements. Even things like syringes and pill cutters. We need to get our cats fixed to stop this cycle!